Electronics Engineering
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Electronics Engineering Jobs
Electronic Engineering Job Description
Electronic engineering jobs focus on developing, designing, testing and manufacturing electronic devices and components. These can include consumer electronics, satellites, flight systems, automotive systems, power generation equipment and any device with electrical or computerized components. More Details
Electronics engineering jobs involve:
- Improving or designing electronic components for software and hardware systems in commercial, industrial, medical, military and scientific applications
- Overseeing the manufacture, installation, testing and operation of electronic devices and systems
- Performing inspections for safety standards and adherence to regulations
- Analyzing customer requirements and design according to capacity, cost, efficiency and marketability
Examples of jobs available for electronics and communication engineers:
- Chief electronics engineer
- Design and development engineer, electrical and electronic systems
- Electrical and electronics research engineer
- Electronics research engineer
- Electronics test engineer
- Research engineer – Nanoelectronics
- Roadway lighting design engineer
- Test engineer, electronics
- Underground electrical distribution engineer
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Are you passionate about ensuring top-notch product quality in the world of electronics manufacturing? We have an exciting opportunity for...
Electric Field Service Technician (Charlotte, NC)Abut Us: We are a leading company in automated Palletizing systems and are seeking for a dedicated...
Design and develop wiring harnesses. Responsible for basic design calculations relating to current, voltage, power, temperature, heat buildup, bend...
Have technical knowledge and experience with data analytics tools to monitor manufacturing processes, reduce cost, data integrity (DI) compliance...
Experience analyzing and improving motor electromagnetic design to determine both electrical and mechanical performance. Provide technical...
Provide day-to-day support for the manufacturing team, including troubleshooting for assembly, material, tooling, or engineering concerns. Develop...
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