Metallurgical Engineering
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Metallurgical Engineering Jobs
Metallurgical Engineering Job Description
Metallurgical engineering jobs involve the production of metallic materials and components that are used to make industrial and consumer parts and products. Metallurgical engineers oversee mining and refining operations, produce alloys and raw metal materials. They also work to improve metalworking processes such as casting, forging, rolling, extrusion, machining and more. More Details
Duties and responsibilities for metallurgical engineer jobs can include:
- Analyzing metal material properties such as strength, hardness, toughness, corrosion resistance, fatigue resistance and temperature performance
- Developing or improving metal plating processes such as electroplating
- Overseeing metal processing, research or refining facilities
- Working to develop metal materials and alloys with specific, engineered properties for applications in industrial, aerospace, automotive and manufacturing industries
Jobs for metallurgical engineers include:
- Ceramics engineer
- Coal preparation consulting engineer
- Corrosion engineer
- Electrometallurgical engineer
- Extractive engineer
- Extractive metallurgy engineer
- Foundry engineer
- Hydrometallurgical engineer
- Materials engineer
- Physical metallurgical engineer
- Pyrometallurgical engineer
- Refining and metalworking engineer
- Smelter engineer, minerals
- Smelting plant engineer
- Welding engineer
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Lead safety initiatives supporting the company's and the site's EHS strategies, including developing and managing leading indicators,...
Design and develop wiring harnesses. Responsible for basic design calculations relating to current, voltage, power, temperature, heat buildup, bend...
Career opportunity to play a crucial role in ensuring the safety, reliability, and regulatory compliance of mechanical systems and equipment within...
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