Packaging Engineer Jobs
Packaging Engineering
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Packaging Engineer Jobs
Packaging Engineer Job Description
Packaging engineer jobs combine aspects of industrial design and engineering, materials science, logistics and marketing to develop packaging solutions for products and foods, such as cartons, boxes, bottles, adhesives and other containers. More Details
Duties and responsibilities for packaging engineering jobs include:
- Researching different materials to find new applications or develop different properties such as durability, recyclability, temperature resistance or antimicrobial effects
- Performing cost analysis on the manufacturing, shipping and cost effectiveness of packaging and processes
- Developing and overseeing the operation of packaging manufacturing or filling lines and selecting equipment and machinery to use in lines
Jobs for packaging engineers include:
- Industrial Packaging Engineer
- Packaging Scientist
- Packaging Technologist
- Senior Packaging Engineer
- Packaging Engineer
- Associate Packaging Engineer
- Packaging Machinery Technician
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Grain-based manufacturer with total annual revenues of $1B, producing a variety of cookies, crackers and snacks for major national and regional...
Our client, a global leader in packaging and process innovation in the food and beverage industry is looking for a Controls Engineer with solid...