Company Profile

Company Info

Martino & Luth, Inc.

Denver, CO, United States

Phone: 303-260-7118
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Company Description:

Martino & Luth, Inc. was founded in 2004 in Denver, Colorado, by Russel A. Martino and Gregory P. Luth. In the past 12 years, we have been the Structural Engineer of Record (SEOR) on over 600 projects in the Denver Metro Area.  We have contributed as the structural engineer on all types of projects ranging from small renovations to major projects up to $100 Million in construction cost
M&L’s engineers are creative problem solvers that come up with engineering solutions that maximize the architectural vision while maintaining the constructability of the system.  All of our engineers have a minimum of a Master’s of Science degree in Structural Engineering.  This confidence that comes from knowledge, combined with experience on all types of buildings and structures, enables us to manipulate our structures to accomplish the project goals. 
We also realize that we are part of a service industry and that customer service reigns supreme in our line of work.  M&L’s engineers are readily available at the office or by cell phone and we pride ourselves in answering questions as quickly as possible. M&L’s personnel prides itself on customer service, which is the true backbone of our industry.  We answer contractor questions as soon as possible and pride ourselves in turning around RFI’s in one day and shop drawings in two days if at all possible.  Our cell phone numbers are made available to the owner, design and construction teams so we can service our clients quickly and benefit the entire team.

Achieving business objectives is the result of an empowered, values driven work force which is motivated to succeed. Our common values define a culture where our people are set free to be the best they can be. Here are some of the values we strive to achieve as a company……….
  1. Integrity - We behave ethically and are respectful, open and honest in our business and personal lives.
  2. Quality Engineering - We provide high-quality engineering to meet client needs.
  3. Client Satisfaction - We engage our clients and the communities we serve so that they know us, trust, and value our services.
  4. Technical Innovation - We develop better engineering solutions through research and development. 
  5. Employee Loyalty - We make every effort to attract and retain excellent, motivated employees, who are the source of our success.
M&L understands how buildings are constructed, what information detailers, fabricators, and erectors / rodbusters need on the drawings to complete their work, and where there are opportunities to reduce costs in construction and materials. M&L’s engineers are truly liaisons between the architect and the contractor to help create architecturally significant buildings that are constructible. M&L has no drafters or modelers.  Every detail in our models or on our sheets has been created by the structural engineer who designed them.  This forces our people to consider constructability and architectural elements while they are designing. This approach to design build projects has resulted in numerous successful projects with many different teams.

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