Company Profile
Company Description:
Quest Thermal Group is a technology development and engineering firm, specializing in development of advanced thermal insulation systems for aerospace and commercial uses.
Quest Thermal has developed 12 different advanced insulation systems, initially for aerospace applications, with funding and strong support from NASA and aerospace prime contractors. Quest has patents and cross-licensing agreements with Ball Aerospace to market our joint insulation technology for aerospace uses, and Quest's insulation will fly on two space flights in 2017. Our proprietary launch vehicle insulation adds new capabilities to launch vehicles and long duration missions, helping achieve zero boil off of cryogenic propellants.
Quest Thermal is also developing commercial superinsulation. For home/commercial appliance manufacturers, patented Quest High Performance Insulation can provide appliances with 95% less energy, have ¼” thin walls for space saving, that will be premium, green products offering high energy efficiency, increased interior space, stylish thin doors and walls for premium products that could set future consumer expectations. Thermal insulation is used all around us, including refrigerators, freezers, water heaters, food coolers, industrial hot/cold processes, buildings.
Company Vision
Providing innovative thermal solutions for improved energy efficiency for aerospace and commercial uses.