Company Profile
Woodland, CA, United States
Phone: 5306668054
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Company Description:
Yolo County's road network includes 752 miles of public roads and 147 bridges, along with roadside ditches, culverts, signs, guardrails, and other appurtenances. Public Works provides the engineering, inspection, maintenance, permitting and administrative services required to maintain and improve these facilities.
Engineering Services staff serve as liaisons to transportation funding and planning agencies including the Yolo County Transportation District, Sacramento Area Council of Governments, Caltrans, the Federal Highway Administration, as well as the Yolo County Transportation Advisory Committee and collects, tabulates, and analyzes traffic counts and traffic accident data.
A variety of permits are issued to protect the public's investment in the road system and ensure safe conditions for the traveling public, including encroachment permits for construction activities within the County right of way, transportation permits for oversize and overweight vehicles, and parade/race/assemblage permits for special events in the right of way. (Parade/race/assemblage permits are also subject to the approval of the Yolo County Sheriff, California Highway Patrol and local Fire districts.)
The Public Works Division also administers County Surveyor services, including reviewing parcel maps, subdivision maps, Records of Survey, and Corner Records.
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The County of Yolo is currently recruiting for the Director of Integrated Waste Management. For detailed information about the position...
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