Company Profile

Company Info

SPOC Automation

Trussville, AL, United States

Phone: 2056613642
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Company Description:

SPOC Automation builds world-class artificial lift controls and well automation products for the oil and gas industry. We engineer and package “oil field ready” artificial lift automation products that increase production, lower lifting costs and save energy. Our products are engineered to help customers produce more and spend less.
As the largest independent artificial lift controls manufacturer in North America, we apply decades of automation experience to your equipment or process. We are known for developing robust technology that allows users to get more product out of the ground and providing world class service to our customers.

While we specialize in the international oil and gas industry, our roots run deep in the non-conventional gas fields of the Black Warrior Basin. While working with across-the-line motor starters and controls in the coal bed methane industry, we discovered that our variable frequency drive solution, which allowed a beam pump to operate without a dynamic brake chopper or resistors, could be applied to pumps that were de-watering methane gas wells. We soon realized that this automation solution could save customers energy and increase production throughout the oil and gas industry.

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