Company Profile

Company Info


Littleton, CO, United States

Phone: 720-996-3501
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Company Description:

Mission statement:

Dominate the firefight with aiming technologies that engage instantly and never miss.

     Our Story:
At AimLock, we believe the good guys should always have a clear advantage over the bad guys, whether in war or while keeping the peace. Modern day firearms boast exceptional accuracy, reliability and durability. However, across five centuries of firearm advancements, no technology had ever solved the most crucial failing of firearms: that they’re only as accurate as whatever— or whomever—is aiming them.
To solve this problem, we adopted a simple but ambitious mission: To enable the US and its allies to dominate the firefight with aiming technologies that engage instantly and never miss. Most people said we were dreaming, but we boldly set out to accomplish the impossible anyway. After years of research and development, we created AimLockTM technology, and the world will never be the same.
Based in the Denver CO area, AimLock was founded in 2013 to focus on the development and commercialization of AimLock’s revolutionary technology—both internally and in concert with our military and strategic partners—to create next-generation weapon systems that provide the US and its allies with force-overmatch in the small arms fight.

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