Company Profile

Company Info

Information Security Corporation

Oak Park, IL, United States

Phone: 8474050500
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Company Description:

Information Security Corporation (ISC) specializes in the design, development, and marketing of crypto­graphic software that complies with all leading standardization and interoperability efforts. Addressing the confidentiality, authentication, and credential management requirements of both the government and private sectors, ISC products employ state-of-the-art conventional and public key cryptographic techno­logies.
ISC offers a family of COTS solutions for: the protection of data-at-rest and data-in-transit, the creation and management of (RSA/DSA/ECC) private keys and certificates; the secure sharing of sensitive data among communities of interest; and the use of role-based credentials in brokered authentication. Most recently ISC has focused on the design and development of systems that help simplify credential lifecycle management. ISC also offers cryptographic development kits (CDKs) for use by other publishers of security-enabled applications.

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