Company Profile

Company Info

Critical Process Systems Group

Boise, ID, United States

Phone: 2089635265
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Company Description:

Critical Process Systems (CPS) Group is a group of manufacturing and design companies providing innovative product solutions to the semiconductor, life science, high-purity chemical processing, gas systems, and wastewater industries. We provide a broad range of products & services including high purity gas and chemical blending and delivery control, pre-fabricated high purity process utility modules, corrosive fume exhaust duct, and airflow control devices. With the breadth of our product offerings and engineering capabilities we can offer broad turnkey solutions or targeted niche products depending on our customer’s needs and desires.

This dedicated, high performing team of companies was formed because The CPS Group believes our customers will benefit from the convenience of obtaining their process utility design and equipment from one trusted source. By uniting our companies as the CPS Group we provide efficient, turnkey, leading edge solutions for our customers. This one stop procurement approach can save customers up to 30% in project time and 40% in project cost over sourcing through multiple traditional suppliers and service providers. One-stop-sourcing saves the hassle of searching through numerous suppliers for process utility needs.

Historically, each of the CPS group companies has been more than just a supplier to their customers. These Companies have exceeded customer expectations by providing innovative solutions for process system challenges. Each is an expert in their field and a market leader in their product and service offerings.

The first company in our Group was Fab-Tech, Inc. Fab-Tech created the revolutionary product PermaShield Pipe in the 1990’s and has been the global market leader in corrosive fume exhaust duct ever since.

We added process piping modularization, which is a paradigm shifting technology, by acquiring NEHP in 2012. With more than twelve years of successful operation NEHP is the acknowledged leader in the rapidly growing field of process utility piping modularization in large factory applications. NEHP offers design including 3D BIM and both high and low purity plastic and stainless fabrication services.

During 2013 we added Diversified Fluid Solutions (DFS) to the Group to expand our product offerings into fluid management systems. DFS senior management brings us more than 50 years of chemical distribution equipment design and manufacturing experience. DFS has extensive experience with chemical distribution and blending technologies and combines mechanical, electrical, and software programming competencies.

The addition of DFS with strong competencies in electrical engineering and software programming allows the entire CPS Group to offer smart technology solutions across their product lines wherever it can provide an enhanced solution for our customers.

In 2014, we created CPS Process Solutions, located outside of Boston, MA. With our establishment of CPS Process Solutions, the CPS Group now includes process engineering, project management, and staff augmentation to our growing list of services. We can offer “services only” or we can provide turnkey designs, equipment and installation through our CPS Group family of process utility product offerings. Our team comes with experience in many high tech fields. We are building a specialization in biotech and pharmaceutical while creating a growing market diversification effort in the Life Science market.

In June, 2015 we added BioPharm Engineered Systems, Andover, Ma., to our Group to further expand our product and service offerings in the Life Science market. BioPharm Engineered Systems (BPES) specializes in the design and manufacture of biopharmaceutical processing equipment and is known for high quality systems delivered on time with industry leading documentation and has a long list of blue chip customers. We can now combine the process engineering capabilities of CPS Process Solutions with the equipment design and manufacturing abilities of BPES to provide turkey solutions to our Life Science customers.

In August of 2015 we added ENGVT, a consulting engineering firm with a broad base of industrial, commercial, and energy project experience to our group of companies. ENGVT’s multi-disciplinary experience in the design and construction of industrial facilities enhances the CPS Group’s existing product and service offerings with ENGVT’s ability to integrate them into a client’s project contract documents.

The CPS Group offers Gas System Solutions with a wide range of specialized gas industry systems utilizing DFS and NEHP manufacturing and engineering capabilities. The Gas System Solutions product line provides our customers with a reliable and proven source of high quality gas pressure, flow, and purity management equipment, in addition to a broad range of mass customized products & services. Our Gas Systems Solutions can enhance safety, increase productivity, and improve product quality.

The mission of the Critical Process Systems Group Companies is to exceed customer expectations by producing/providing the highest quality products and or services for the least amount of customer time, effort and cost, delivering it on time, and supporting our customers process utility needs with unmatched support and customer service.

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