Company Profile

Company Info

North Point Defense

Rome, NY, United States

Phone: 3157258878
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Company Description:

NPD provides critical capabilities to the national intelligence community developing state-of-the-art communications network access tools and advanced methods for communications signal exploitation. NPD employs a blending of scientific research and expert domain knowledge to design robust processing solutions against complex and evolving communications technologies.

Areas of research and development include:

  • Analog and digital multiplexing
  • Signal conditioning
  • Automated end-to-end processing from radio frequency detection to intelligence end product
  • Network exploitation
  • Parallel processing
  • System miniaturization


NPD performs all aspects of solution development including:

  • Concept of operations
  • Scientific research and algorithm development
  • System design
  • Hardware and/or software application development
  • Field testing and evaluation
  • System field integration
  • Operator training and sustained support

Leveraging extensive operational domain knowledge, NPD personnel have decades of experience providing novel technology solutions to the war fighter. NPD personnel have proven track records in academia, research and development and government contracting.

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