Company Profile

Company Info


Copenhagen, Denmark

Phone: + 45 30 28 61 76
Web Site:

Company Description:

MINDWEISS is a consulting firm with more than 20 years of experience. We assist organizations and businesses in all stages of the development process. We don't come with a ready-made concept but start from reality and tailor our efforts to the organization's needs, desires, and problems.

We identify the challenges and articulate the resources the company may lack.

We find and recruit the best candidates based on a wide network of subject matter experts and comprehensive personal assessments that uncover candidates' professional, technical, and social skills.

We advise the leadership team and work with individually tailored programs for each leader.

We implement targeted development programs for individual employees, for the team, and for the organization as a whole, so that everyone works towards the same goals and based on common values, attitudes, and norms

MINDWEISS is based in Copenhagen, Denmark and consist of 11 employees


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