Company Profile

Company Info

Riechers Engineering

Napa, CA, United States

Phone: +7073073061
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Company Description:

Peter Riechers - President Riechers Engineering, has been working with families, home owners, and commercial property owners for 40 years to unlock and maximize the value of their real estate assets. Riechers’ expertise includes parcel splitting, entitlements, surveying, designing and building residential and commercial buildings, as well as designing large septic, water, and road infrastructure. Peter is a seasoned professional in property development. 

Riechers counts himself amongst the small percentage of civil engineers who are licensed to perform Urban Lot Splits in the State of California. Riechers has created new parcels for the likes of director Francis Ford Coppola, vintner Agustin Huneeus of Quintessa Winery, and more local celebrities such as the artist Gordon Huether, now planning commissioner for the City of Napa. Over the years, Riechers has performed hundreds of lots splits for the benefit of small and large landowners.

Riechers has fulfilled the role of Town Engineer for Yountville and City Engineer of Calistoga, giving him great insights on how the government approval process works. He looks forward to helping his clients create even more property value under the new SB-9 law.

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