Materials Engineering
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Materials Engineering Jobs
Material Science Engineer Job Description
Materials science engineering jobs involve developing, processing and testing materials for creating products from aerospace and automotive components to medical devices. These engineers can specialize in ceramics, metals, plastics, composites or nanomaterials, working to identify or create specific electrical, chemical or mechanical characteristics. They also research unique and innovative ways to use new and existing materials. More Details
Materials engineering jobs can involve:
- Creating and studying materials at the macro-, micro- and atomic levels
- Planning and evaluating new research and development projects, determining processes and outcomes and documenting project data
- Monitoring, testing and analyzing material performance, deterioration and failure under the effects of physical, chemical, electrical and other processes
- Determining the cause of material or product failure and investigating methods to overcome these failures
Some examples of materials science and engineering jobs would include:
- Metallurgical Engineer
- Materials Production Research
- Materials Consultant
- Manufacturing Engineer
- Patent Attorneys
- Bulk Material Handling Engineer
- Material Handling
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Education: an Engineering Degree, Diploma or extensive industry experience - P.Eng, EIT or CET
Department Summary The Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) is a unique interdisciplinary school launched by the University of Chicago...
The County of Yolo is currently recruiting for the Director of Integrated Waste Management. For detailed information about the position...